Just finished illustrations for a nonfiction picture book

Oh, the joy of finishing a picture book illustration job and sending it off to the printer on its way to meet the world. It’s sort of like sending your child off to preschool for the first time. It’s a bittersweet moment. The editor, Stephanie Krell and I have worked so hard for so long and now it goes out to meet its destiny. Will parents and grandparents buy it? Will readers love it? Will kids want it read to them over and over?

Shark Dentists and Other Stories by Vincent Immordino Illustrated by Dayne SislenShark Dentists and Other Stories uses playful characters from the natural world to explain and illustrate the careful planning of a loving Creator. From a busy termite to a friendly monkey, children will learn about the world around them and how it came to be. Most of all, they will read how they are unique among all of God’s creation. The book includes a study guide for use in home instruction and other teaching settings, along with parent references.

It took me five months to complete all the illustrations for this book. I worked very closely with Stephanie Krell, the editor to visually bring her grandfather Vincent Immordino’s stories alive on the page. Working with Stephanie was a delight. She knew what she wanted and was excellent at making quick and wise decisions about every step of the creation process.

As a result, Shark Dentists and Other Stories will be available in late November. I will have more information regarding pre-sales in the near future and a direct link to the Amazon page.

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