Fact: Well designed book covers sell children’s books

by Dayne Sislen

We all know the old phrase, “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” Is it true? The big publishers believe covers sell books. They spend mega marketing dollars testing out covers for their big-name authors. Will a red background sell better than a yellow background? Should the main image be a close-up of the main character or show the character at a distance?

As an indie author, you probably don’t have the funds or the ability to test market different covers. But ask any author who had a poorly selling book with a bargain basement cover about the turn around in sales when they hire a professional cover designer to design and illustrate a new an improved cover. The results are amazing.

The cover of your book is the first thing buyers see. From this first impression, they will judge the quality of your writing. Is this fair? No. But it’s a fact.

Today I want to talk about what goes into designing a cover for the chapter book “Little Dreamer” by Nell Jones. The author and I discussed what she wanted to show on the cover. We considered many scenes some are shown below, but many more that are not shown here. We tried Little D dreaming about becoming an astronaut. And we tried Little D giving a picture to her teacher Miss Amelia. But most of all we agreed that Little D should be dreaming of her future while in her classroom.

Sketches for cover

So the final cover design shows Little D in her classroom daydreaming about her future instead of listening to her teacher Miss Amelia. The caterpillar represents her metamorphosis from a young girl to a young woman throughout the story. The window frame and wall of her classroom have dissolved to reveal the boundless world that is available to dreamers.

Cover art for "Little Dreamer" chapter book cover

Colors were given special consideration. Of course, red, bright orange and green colors jump off the shelf. But in this situation, we felt a softer color scheme would show the dreamy quality best. Just because a bright color jumps out at a potential customer is not the best reason to use it. The color scheme must fit the tone and subject of the story. This is a chapter book, so it has a little older audience. I have shown the artwork on the left and the book cover with all text on the right.


If you are interested in talking to me about illustrating your children’s book or designing a cover for you, contact me by using the form below.



How important is a book cover?

If your book isn’t selling, it might just be your book cover.

The appropriateness to the genre and the attractiveness of a book cover is so important that even a well-written book will not sell with a poorly designed, and inappropriate book cover. Conversely, a poorly written book with a well designed and illustrated book cover may sell well. A book cover is the first thing a reader sees when looking for a book. In the case of online sales, it is the only things a customer uses to make up their mind. Large publishers will sometimes do two book covers for the same book to see which one brings in more customers.


Poorly designed book cover.

Shared from the LousyBookcovers.com website. Posted by Nathan.

A perfect book cover illustrated by one of my favorite illustrators Patrice Barton.

Which one of these books would you buy for your child?

Below is a quote from an article on “Why your books aren’t selling” by Smart Marketing by Chris Syme:

“Reason #1: Bad Book Covers

When I get an email from an author asking why their books are not selling the first thing I do is visit their Amazon author page. Why? I want to see all their book covers. The majority of the time, that is as far as I get.

Many authors have awful book covers—there I said it. I can tell the authors haven’t done any research on the covers in their genre. They look like something made in the 1980s using Photoshop. It’s painful to see, and it’s obvious.”

Click here to read more about “Why your books aren’t selling.

What I can do for you:

I only design and illustrate children’s picture books and book covers. I specialize in children’s books because that is what I love. Children’s books let me use my imagination to bring written characters to life on the printed page. Contact me if you would like to see what I can do with your children’s picture book or cover for your chapter book.

Just because it’s possible to design your own book cover doesn’t mean you should. Not understanding the principles of design and typography as well as what is appropriate for your genre can be detrimental to your book sales. A poorly designed book cover can actually scare potential readers away. I would certainly not even pick up the book shown above.

Professional cover designers know what is successful in your genre and have the talent and tools to create a cover that will improve book sales. You might be able to save money by using WordPress.com or Blogger.com for your free website or use a free mailing program. But don’t cut corners when hiring a professional book cover designer that will make your book stand out and sell.

Cover Don't be a Pig in a Panic!

Shark Dentists and Other Stories by Vincent Immordino Illustrated by Dayne Sislen  Cover_remembers_medium